Friday, February 12, 2010

Can we all agree the christians believe the bible is true because they want it to be true?

And not because there is any historical evidence to support it's validity?Can we all agree the christians believe the bible is true because they want it to be true?
That is an excellent summation in regard to the facts in evidence.Can we all agree the christians believe the bible is true because they want it to be true?
Yes, That is called Faith, which is what you have if you are Christian. Compare it to how you believe in scientific theory...much of which is unproven factually, but pieced together in a way science THEORIZES something happens. So you have faith in scientist that their theories are correct, Christians have faith that their bible is correct, and so on. There is actually historical evidence that supports biblical stories, and evidence that does not. Much like science, some theories prove to be true, some that were thought to be fact are proved to be false. You just have your faith in something entirely different than Christians.
Not even close.

There is a lot of historical evidence to support it's validity, through archaeology, and some non-biblical writings of the time.

Also, if you compare ancient sources, in terms of numbers of copies, and their ages, you will find that the Bible is, by a factor of about 1000, the best ancient source in existence.

You must also remember that the Bible is a compendium of books, not simply a book in itself. It contains all sorts of things, including songs, laws, histories, apocalypses, genealogies, wisdom sayings, parables, letters, love stories, myths, and, and .... The idea of ';truth'; depends a lot on what you mean by that. Did someone named Jesus exist about 2000 years ago? Yes - this is confirmed by these non-biblical sources I was talking about. Was there a real Good Samaritan? Likely not - this was a parable, a teaching story. The message is truth, but the details are not, and are not meant to be.
Jesus the human, and the Christ in the Bible are the same in many ways, yet very different. It's a paradox: Jesus the man was a Sage, a mystic, entrenched in the mysteries, the Nazarene, a philosopher king, Jesus or the Christ (personified divinity within all humanity) in the Bible is again attributed to the drama in the heavens, 12 apostles (Houses of the Zodiac) around the Son (Sun), Born on the 25th of December (winter Solstice) (Summer in reality of the Human Jesus), He was crucified (solar cross) and resurrected (in the spring), to bring redemption and new life. This is the same story repeated through out many of the worlds religions and not unique to the religion of Christianity alone. It is sun worship, and personification of creative spirit, i.e. God.

Christ is highly symbolic for Christianity, but most Christians are unaware of what and why the Church did certain things and why today things are the way they are. I highly doubt the Man, nay I know, the great teacher Jesus, one of the greatest teachers to ever live, would not approve of or wanted a religion modeled after him. He never claimed to be God, only a Son of God, through rebirth of philosophy, of consciousness, after all the religion known as Christianity had existed for many many years before the man known as Jesus appeared. Jesus spoke in parables and preached an exoteric message to the masses veiled in mystery and unfortunately taken literally, and another doctrine in private to those who could see and hear truth....

Look into the esoteric nature of things and not what is presented in mainstream in religion and philosophy alike and you will find many keys to the mysteries.
Many seem desperately want it be true, they have doubts, become very angry is anyone arouse their doubts, beliefs never affect reality however, regardless of how much they try ignore disproof, it not just disappear, is amazing how far apologists go, I see someone yesterday say skeptics can never find even one contradiction of Bible, more objective people list dozens of them, I cannot understand how anyone can blind himself at very obvious ignorance and contradictions of Bible.
Christians believe in the Bible because it is true and there is historical evidence to support its validity. Can we all agree that atheists believe that the Bible is not true because they don't want it to be true and not because there is any historical evidence to support their claims?
You will never understand a Christian belief unless you are a Christian. To a Christian the Bible is true. Every word of it. It is not a matter that a Christian wants it to be true. It is because the faith that we have that the Bible is true. And there is nothing anybody can say or do to alter that thought process.
I don't. The Bible and it's history is true whether I or any one else believe it or not.

For me as a believer I follow Jesus Christ's example of his reliance and belief in the God and the events written in the Old Testament. He believed in the historical truth and reality of those events written about them. In fact for him as with any one else. There were no other historical documents that summed up the best knowledge of time.

What I have never understood. Is why there is such a disparaging attitude amongst many today of people today. Who believe that ancient men were ignorant and stupid. That you cannot appreciate those who recorded knowledge and kept is safe and protected from harm and danger.

Sure much has been lost. If you really wanted to look at how men documented the historical events of their time and generation through time. This itself would be a fascinating study.

We have computers and online libraries today and can take or leave knowledge with the snap of our fingers. But in those ancient times. Think of the hours and sacrifice of the people who passed on knowledge from generation to generation. Even before the time of Jesus.

Even in historical times whether you choose to recognize it or not. People appreciated history and wrote it down. So that they do not forget.

But the cynicism and skepticism that is in man to hate the truth will seek to rewrite it so that the truth can never be found. Such are the people today that say the holocaust never happened. I am not of that group of people. The truth cuts both ways. But at least I know there is the truth.

I am sure and have complete confidence in the historical evidence and truth of the Bible. Just as Jesus did in his day about the Old Testament. Go to the Middle East and the cities and the peoples there. Go to their museums and their archaeological evidence in many museums all around the world with Biblical artifacts.

But I personally know the God of that Bible through Jesus Christ and His Spirit.

I hope this helps. If not. Oh well.
The book revealed on JESUS was GOSPEL but it is not available in its original form so you see many many socalled GOSPELS and 4 of them are included in bible which are not gospels but one can say the biography of JESUS narrated by his apostels, Gospel in its original form and language is not available so the authenticity of bible is a contoversial issue, for more info pls go to ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BRITANICA
No because they don't believe in all of it themselves. You will have a hard time finding any two Christians from the same faith agreeing on everything in the bible at the same time.
Be careful. (Jude 1:18)

The BIBLE it the very WORD OF GOD.

That's not man's opinion... it's God's. (Hebrews 4:12)

';LET GOD BE TRUE, but every man a liar';

-Romans 3:4
How is there not historcal evidence of its truth? It is being proven historically accurate constantly. As well as even being scientifically accurate
yes I agree. two thousand years of conditioning will do that. it still does not make it true and align with real history as the rest of us understand it.
You can say whatever you want, remember not to confuse discussion and agreement.

Oh and thanks for keeping this short, those wall of words are horrible.
We can. But they won't.

They will continue to believe those fairy tales even if it was proven right in their face it was false.

That's what brainwashing does to ya.
We can agree you believe that to be true because you want it to be true.
that sounds rather reasonable. I agree.
Can we all agree the atheists want the Bible to be false because they hate God and follow Satan instead?
Where does truth come for you? On what/whom do you base your truths on?
Sure, why not?
truth doesn't change
that's part of it
The atheist says he needs proof, yet believes there is no God even though there is no proof that He does not or cannot exist. Go figure that one out.

Atheism is a convenient idea for those that want to believe it

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